...architecture is not simply a question of proportion and beauty, but rather of establishment of a direct connection with the human heart...

Start or continue your path to becoming an architect with a scholarship!


The scholarship is available to persons who:

  1. Have graduated from, or are in their final year at a NWT high school or equivalency program, and
  2. Have had at least 4 years of formal schooling in the Northwest Territories.


Successful applicants will receive up to $2,500, pending proof of post-secondary registration AND enrollment. Scholarships may be awarded to the same recipient a maximum of 2 times.


Applications must be received by May 10th. Application packages must include the application form and the following support material:

  • Statement of Interest - A 300 to 500-word (double spaced) statement that includes your reasons for pursuing an architectural education, a description of the people (architects, artists, writers, thinkers) and/or work that you admire, and your academic goals.
  • Letter of acceptance from a university or technical school.
  • Portfolio - Graphic materials that best illustrates your creative abilities. Accepted formats include original materials (maximum size: A3, 11"x17"), digital copies, on USB or by hyerlink to a shared wesbsite.
  • Letter of Recommendation - from a current or past teacher/instructor familiar with your academic achievements and career aspirations.

Deadline & Submissions

Submissions must be received by the NWTAA office before 5:00 PM on May 10th. Applications postmarked, delivered or emailed after this time and date will not be considered.

Send your submissions here:

  • Mail
    NWT Association of Architects
    PO Box 1934
    Yellowknife, NT   X1A 2P1
  • Courier / In Person
    2nd Floor, Diamond Plaza
    202 - 5204 50th Avenue
    Yellowknife, NT  X1A 1E2
  • Email
    [email protected]


The NWTAA Council will review applications and award scholarships at its sole discretion. 

Applicants can expect a response by June 1st.

In Memory of Don Jossa

Don Jossa was born and raised in Scarborough, Ontario. He graduated from the Carleton University School of Architecture in 1977 and came north from Ottawa that year, joining Stuart Kinmond Associates (SKA Architects) in Yellowknife. His passion for the vernacular and his love of the art and craft of building was cemented with early collaborative projects including the Fort Good Hope Community Complex and the Fort Resolution Community Hall. After Stuart left the north Don carried on as a sole practitioner designing a number of custom dwellings before joining Pin Matthews Architects later known as Pin/Taylor Architects and present day Tayler Architecture Group (TAG). Don had a key role in the design and construction of the Lutselk’e Hamlet Office, an elegant project that involved community participation, the use of local materials and passive sustainable principles. He worked on numerous other projects, including the Visitors Centre of the Northern Frontier Visitors Association. Don moved on to head the Design section of the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation. He became a registered architect with the creation of the NWTAA in 2001, sitting on the Continuing Education Committee.

He is remembered for his penchant for jazz music, his endless contributions to the neighbourhood Back Bay Community Association, the Yellowknife Food Bank and his family: Don’s thoughtfulness was as infectious as his warm laugh and brilliant, engaging smile.