NWTAA is now in its 2024 - 2026 reporting period ending June 30, 2026. See "Reporting in 2024/2026" below for further information.

Mandatory Continuing Education responds to the self recognized needs of the profession, as well as the public’s growing need for assurance that registered professionals remain current with contemporary technology, business practices, methods and materials of their profession. Each member accepts the obligation to further their education as an architect in order to maintain their practicing status in the NWT.

Practice Bulletin 3, "Mandatory Continuing Education Requirements", outlines the protocols for the earning, recording and administration of ongoing education required by all registered architects.

Reporting & Equivalencies

Prior to the first applicable reporting deadline, all members must declare their reporting jurisdiction using the Continuing Education Reporting & Equivalency form.

Members who report to NWTAA must do so by submitting all documentation to the NWTAA via email.

Members who report to another jurisdiction must adhere to, and remain compliant with, the requirements of that jurisdiction.  At each NWTAA reporting deadline, the NWTAA will confirm the complaince of all members directly with each respective jurisdiction.  There is no action required by the member.

Non-compliance in another jurisdiction will automatically result in non-compliance with the NWTAA.

Courses & Workshops

From time to time, the NWTAA organizes continuing education activities that are centrally located in Yellowknife, NT and/or delivered online. Members are encouraged to bring forward topics, themes and other suggestions to the Continuing Education Committee.

Reporting in 2024/2026

Members are expected to fulfill all requirements described in Practice Bulletin #3 by June 30, 2026.

Program Accreditation

The NWTAA does not currently accredit or approve education providers or programs; however, in most cases, NWTAA accepts the endorsement of other professional regulators (ie, members of ROAC) or recognized professional organizations (eg, RAIC or AIA). The onus is on each member to participate in activities that are relevant to their profession and practice, and to report these activities accordingly.

Providers may advise the NWTAA of education opportunities accessible and relevant to NWTAA members for possible inclusion in member newsletters and other communications, at the NWTAA's discretion.