The Internship in Architecture Program (IAP) is a profession-wide, comprehensive program administered by the Regulatory Organanizations of Architects (ROAC). The Program contributes to the development of architects who can provide high quality architectural services. A comprehensive internship program is necessary to acquire and reinforce the knowledge, integrity, judgment, skills, discipline and quest for learning that must serve the architect for a lifetime.
An Intern Architect is an individual whose education has been certified by the Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB), and who has been accepted into the Internship in Architecture Program (IAP) by an Architectural Licensing Authority in Canada.
Intern Architects work towards completing the post-graduate requirements (continuing education, experience and examination) of the Internship in Architecture Program in order to become a registered architect in their province/territory.
For enrolment as an Intern Architect, application must be made to the provincial/territorial association of architects, and the following information must be provided:
- CACB certificate (or recognized equivalent)
- Name of Employer (if employed) and Mentor and confirmation from each on the application form
- Payment of fees (which are established annually by the provincial/territorial association).
Key Individuals Who Share This Responsibility
- The Employer is the individual within the firm or organization who personally supervises and directs the Intern on a daily basis. The Employer regularly assesses the quality of work performed and certifies the Intern's documentation of work experience activity.
- The Mentor is an architect selected by the Intern or Student. The Mentor should not be employed by the same firm as the Intern. The Mentor meets with the Intern for regular reviews of experience progress, discussion of career objectives and broader issues related to the profession and the registration/licensing process.
Knowledge and Currency of Experience in the Northwest Territories
The NWTAA requires Intern Architects to demonstrate knowledge of local conditions of practice and currency of experience in the Northwest Territories for licensing. The Intern Architect must complete at least 940 hours of experience in the Northwest Territories under the personal supervision and direction of a person licensed to engage in the practice of architecture in the Northwest Territories. This experience must be completed under the categories A, B or C of the Canadian Experience Record Book within the three years prior to the date on which Application for Registration is made.
Application Requirements
- Application for Registration as an Intern Architect
with all required supporting documentation outlined in the application - Confirmation of Mentor
- Confirmation of Employment/Supervisor
- Payment of Application & Registration Fees: Once the application is approved by Council, the Intern will be sent an invoice by the Executive Director and they can pay for both the application and registration fees. The one-time Application Fees are $100 per applicant. Annual registration fees are $120 but fees are prorated to the month of the applicant's registration. For example, if an intern registers in August, their registration fees will be ($120/12)*5= $50.00. So in this particular instance, the intern must pay $100 (application fee) plus $50.00 (registration fee) for a total of $150.00. Fees can be paid either by cheque written out to the 'Northwest Territories Association of Architects, by etransfer sent to [email protected] or by credit card. If the intern chooses to pay by Visa or MasterCard, they can provide their information by phone or by email.
- Membership renewal: Memberships are up for renewal on Jan 1 of each year. An invoice will be sent out to at the beginning of December. Failure to pay renewal fees on time will result in late fees.
Reporting Requirements
Interns are required to obtain 3720 hours of work experience to complete their internship. Experience is reviewed and evaluated at the end of each 900-1000 hours which is approximately every 6 months of architectural experience or at the change of employement. Interns (and their mentors) must complete, review and submit their hours via the Canadian Experience Record Book (CERB). Interns should be submitting their hours to the Registrar to review within 8 months. Submissions completed after 1 years from the start of the internship, or since the last submission date are considered late and require a review.
The following must be submitted at each reporting period:
- CERB Periodic Assessment Form (IAP Manual, Appendix E)
- CERB Experience Summary Form (IAP Manual, Appendix F)
On July 1, 2020, a new Internship in Architecture Program (IAP) was approved by the Regulators and launched in Canada. The new IAP permits ROAC members to accept the submission of student hours for review and consideration as part of the IAP program as detailed in Appendix B.
Effective July 1, 2022, to be considered, student hours must be:
1. Obtained while the student is enrolled and attending an accredited program; and,
2. Completing the final two years of a CACB accredited Masters’ Program.
Any experience gained prior to entering the final two years of a CACB accredited Masters’ Program or while on leave from the Program, will not be eligible for consideration.
Examination for Architects in Canada (ExAC)
Intern Architects are eligible to register for the Examination for Architects in Canada (ExAC) once they have attained and recorded at least 2800 hours of experience. For more information, see Examination for Architects in Canada.
- Internship in Architecture Program Manual (2022)
- NWTAA Requirements (IAP Manual, Appendix B)