2024 AGM

January 1, 2024

Notice of AGM and Election

The Northwest Territories Association of Architects' notice of its Annual General Meeting was sent out last week. Please contact the office if you haven't received it. The AGM is being held on Friday April 12, 2024 from 1:30 to 3:30  with location details to follow. This will be an in-person event with the option to join through Zoom.

 Nominations will open January 18th for 3 NWTAA Council  positions.  A President for a 1-year term, and 2 Councillors for 2-year terms are required to be elected or appointed from among resident architects in good standing. Any architect in good standing may nominate an eligible NWTAA registered architect. 1 of the of 2 Councillors can reside outside the NWT. The President is also required to be an NWT resident. To make a nomination, submit a completed Nomination Form to the NWTAA office by 5 PM February 10, 2024.

 Elections close 5 days before the AGM with the results being announced at the AGM. If nominations do not exceed the number of available seats, candidates are acclaimed and/or Council will appoint from eligible architects.